Seared Tuna, crushed potatoes, fennel and baby courgettes

If you’re gona do fish, either jump in the sea with your own spear gun or go to a good independent fish monger……fish from a Supermarket is crap, believe me I know.

Tuna is a firm favourite of mine and is great for the intellect, my IQ has risen to over 46 since I’ve been bangin’ on Tuna. It is important that you spend money on it and get the good stuff, anything else is tasteless and you really wont have been able to appreciate what it can really taste like.

My advice as far as Tuna is concerned is to treat it like steak, it can take a good kicking and a hell of lot of heat but benefits from hearty seasoning, real flame and medium rare cooking. Tuna is a robust meat so you can really go berserk with the flavourings –  for example honey glazed, herb and/or cracked black pepper crusted and if you fancy it breaded and deep fried. You can also have it stone cold raw but ask you’re Monger if it’s Sushi grade, if it isn’t you’re heading for casualty.

For 2 balcony dwellers:
2 Tuna loin fillets
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
4 baby courgettes
1 fennel bulb
Handful of capers
500 grams of new potatoes boiled
1 fresh chili diced
Chopped parsley
Dressing – lemon, Garlic, Olive oil, mustard – whatever you feel like making.

Start off with the crushed potatoes – they are exactly that, crushed – artsy fartsy and very ‘in’ and the minute, but they do look they have been stood on. Sling them into bowl and batter them about a bit breaking them up into chunks. Sling in the dressing, chopped parsley and chopped chili – taste, season and repeat until happy. Stick in the fridge.

Get a pan on the heat, in with the oil. Half the courgettes length-ways and slice the fennel, throw the courgette into the pan and cook until they begin to go golden brown around the edges, next in with the fennel and capers and maybe a splash of Vermouth if you feel like it. Cook down for a few minutes then keep warm in the oven. You can butter this mixture up and squeeze over some lemon juice at this stage – it will finish in a warm oven.

Either heavy based griddle pan or Bar B Q is what you want to cook the Tuna on. Oil and season the fish and sling it on either heat source and DON’T TOUCH. Watch the colour come up the side of the meat, you want a pink stripe in the middle and bar marks on the face sides so when 1/3 of the fish is cooked flip it and repeat.

Build up a good white plate, first with the crushed potatoes, then set the Tuna on top. Drain any liquid that has come out of the courgettes and fennel over the Tuna and set the veg on top. Scatter over more capers and way hay doneski!!!!

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