Goan Monkfish curry – Floyd, Stein, Bourdain and Padstow

There’s an unsettling rubbery-ness setting into my legs that excites and confuses me in equal measure. This is a familiar feeling…and one I don’t really care for if I’m being completely honest……one I haven’t felt in a long, long time. I’m nervous. This is a weird time for nerves…….if this was a job interview at… Read More Goan Monkfish curry – Floyd, Stein, Bourdain and Padstow

Smart-Arse Monkfish, Artichoke hearts, sun-blushed tomatoes and Couscous

“Good looking Monk Tom , where’s it from” “The sea Rory, you hung over again”? “Smart arse” “It might very well have been Rory – but without its academic history I’ll never know” Tom’s left hook landed square on my jaw preceded by his deft feint – I hit the canvas…..then reached for my wallet… Read More Smart-Arse Monkfish, Artichoke hearts, sun-blushed tomatoes and Couscous